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The effect of fan cover and fan model on equipment

Author: ComeFrom: Date:2020/11/12 11:13:29 Hits:1037

In the production workshop, our common fans include induced draft fans, blowers, primary fans, sealed fans, flame detection cooling fans, etc., so the fan cover is also different. These fans generally use centrifugal fans to obtain higher wind pressure. The centrifugal fan has an axial air inlet and radial air outlet, which has a large static pressure. Indoor units generally use this method. An axial fan is also used. The airflow of the axial fan flows along the axial direction of the fan. The most common one is the factory building. The vents of the vent are using axial fans, which are generally used in outdoor units. In addition, there is a fan that is a mixed flow type, which is less used. The fan cover is also used less.

The models and specifications of fans and fan covers are very different and complex, but the essential difference and difference of fans lies in the main performance parameters of fans. As long as we first understand the difference in these performance parameters, it will be of great help for us to understand the selection of fans and actual fan equipment. So what are the main performance parameters of the fan? This mainly includes flow, pressure, gas medium, speed, and power.

The flow rate of the fan is expressed by the result of converting the outlet air flow into its inlet state. Usually, the outlet air flow is regarded as the same as the inlet flow. For normal ventilation, there needs to be a pressure that overcomes the resistance of the pipe, and the fan must generate this pressure. The same is true for the fan cover. The pressure of the fan is divided into three forms: static pressure, dynamic pressure and total pressure.
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